
New Leadership Institute to be held in June of 2013

We are delighted to announce that we will be initiating another two-stage process in support of a second group of satellite seminars. The first step for anyone interested in this program is to apply to the Leadership Institute which will take place at the Memorial Library in June 2013.

Those who are accepted into this first phase of the program are provisionally accepted as satellite leaders and will be expected to lead satellites beginning in 2014.The process begins with a phone chat so that details are clear from the start, so please email info@holocausteducators.org if you know you are interested in applying.

This is a competitive process. Our criteria include leadership ability demonstrated by having already organized and led professional development for teachers, a well-rounded knowledge of the Holocaust and/or experience with social justice teaching, an ability to work well with others, and geographic diversity.

Again, please send us a note to tell us of your interest — also send your phone number and good times to talk — and we will get back to you shortly.

2010 Leadership Institute participants Wendy Warren and Kellie Hannum at work.