TOLI is conducting an  11-week online professional development opportunity for teachers in Europe (September 21-December 7) bringing  together 42 participants from 15 countries. This seminar, in partnership with the Intercultural Institute of Timisoara and with support from the Council of Europe, is addressed to teachers working in Europe who are interested in developing their competencies to teach about the Holocaust and human rights.


The seminar uses an interactive methodology which includes weekly live meetings on Zoom as well as assignments, reflections, forum discussions, and sharing of educational practices for teaching about the Holocaust and human rights.


The 15 countries represented are: Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Lithuania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Spain, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine.


The aim of this course is to contribute to increasing the quality of education regarding the Holocaust and human rights. The program provides a rich opportunity to integrate national and international approaches in teaching about these topics and in understanding the contemporary relevance of this important part of modern history.


The objectives of the program are to:

  • Develop teachers’ awareness of historical and current dialectical discussions concerning the Holocaust and other instances of social injustice;
  • Develop teachers’ understanding of the impact of stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination at the individual, group and society level;
  • Develop teachers’ understanding of Jewish history and Roma history before and after World War II;
  • Increase appreciation for innovative, student-centered teaching methods, including extra-curricular activities and partnerships between school and other institutions and organizations;
  • Promote a blended approach of Holocaust education and human rights education.


Experts from seven countries were invited as guest speakers, including Holocaust survivor Assia Raberman; Harvard instructor and Director of the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights’ Roma Program, Magda Matache; and Romanian Ambassador to Israel, Radu Ioanid (former Director of the International Archives at the USHMM).


One of the most interesting challenges that participants had so far was to describe the history of the Jewish community in their town/region, which resulted in a beautiful collection of presentations, with texts, photos, and personal stories, related to the Jewish communities, the life and traditions of Jewish people, as well as the heritage left in areas where very few Jews (if any at all) presently live.


Following the course, teachers can apply to TOLI’s Mini-grant program, which offers financial support and educational counseling that enables teachers to put into practice what they have learned and to develop local projects with their students. .