
Living History: Study of the Holocaust and Survivor Visit

Collins Hill High School hosted a child survivor of the Holocaust, Mr. Ben Walker, who spoke to a group of 9th graders about his experiences growing up in Romania, being sent to an unnamed concentration camp in Transnistra, and then to another one near Kopigorod. As part of his presentation, Mr. Walker explained that he did not begin to speak publically about his experiences until September 11, 2001, but felt after that day that witnesses of evil must speak out against atrocities. The Breman Museum was instrumental in helping to arrange this event, which had 91 students in attendance.

Mr. Walker’s appearance followed the students’ in-depth study of the Holocaust.  The program took place in conjunction with a school-wide reading of Night led by the 9 language arts teachers who teach 9th grade. This work also follows a study of the life story of Abraham Nhial. a survivor of the genocide in southern Sudan. Ms. Dean is currently at work on expanding her project to include collecting stories of survival from the diverse student body at her school.

Angela Dean’s students with Mr. Ben Walker.