
Online Seminar

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Teaching About The Holocaust and Human Rights Through Art: Poland Moves Online

August 13, 2020

In Poland, an 8-week online course titled Teaching about the Holocaust and Human Right through Art will be organized by TOLI in partnership with POLIN Museum. Yad Vashem Institute contributed to the course by sharing knowledge on the subject matter. The content of the course includes little-known stories of…

TOLI Launches the Call for Its First Ever Europe-Wide Online Course

August 13, 2020

Learning from the Past – Acting for the Future Teaching about the Holocaust and Human Rights   An 11-week online engagement professional opportunity for teachers in Europe (21 September – 4 December, 2020)   Call for applications This program, developed by The Olga…

New Mexico Seminar Moves Online

August 13, 2020

New Mexico seminar leaders, Leslie Lawner, Susan Quintana, Michelle Thompson-Lloyd, and Barb Lazar grounded their work in the Essential Question: In times of crisis, what does it take to move from knowledge to action? As they shifted from an in-person to a virtual 3-day seminar, they…