
The Holocaust Educators Network Listserv

The Holocaust Educators Network has a listserv that is comprised of participating NYC seminar teachers from every class since 2006 along with participants in our regional programs. As a member of the list, you will receive emails with news and resources from participants in past seminars. We also encourage you to share useful material that is pertinent to the teaching that we do with the lively group of educators on the list. Participants of our seminars will automatically receive an invitation from us upon the end of the seminar.

Our listserv is hosted on Google Groups. You can participate entirely from your own inbox, or, if you sign up with a Google account, access the online forum.

  • To send an email to the whole group, write to
  • To reply to a message, you can reply directly to the sender or click “reply all” to include the whole group.

The permissions of the group are:

  • People have to be invited to join.
  • Only members can post.
  • Only members can view content.
  • Only owners can view the list of members.

You will receive a confirmation email with instructions after joining.

While you do not need a Google account to participate in the listserv, there are some advantages of signing up with a Google Account, such as being able to access a web-based forum of listserv threads and being able to change various preferences and notification options (daily digest, instant, etc). By default, you will receive each email instantly. If you want to use these features but do not have or want to use a Gmail email address, you can also create a Google Account without changing your email address . If you need technical assistance, please feel welcome to contact us at