OCT. 9: Statement by TOLI on the Hamas Terrorist Attacks in Israel


We are shocked and heartbroken over the senseless killings and hostage-taking of innocent Israelis by Hamas terrorists from Gaza. These organized attacks, with over 900 Israelis murdered, thousands injured and dozens kidnapped – among them children and elderly Holocaust survivors – is the worst crime against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

As an organization that teaches the Holocaust and its lessons for today, we are well aware of the consequences of hatred and prejudice and antisemitism.  There can be no justification for these hideous crimes, which took place during a Jewish holiday. We stand in solidarity with Israel as it mourns its dead and fights for its security.

We mourn for the deceased, may their memories be a blessing. We send our deepest condolences to the families and friends,  along with our hopes and prayers for the wounded to recover and for the safe return of all  those taken hostage.

Board of Directors
Mark Berez, President
Deborah Lauter, Executive Director
The Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights


For more information about The Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights (TOLI), please contact info@tolinstitute.org

TOLI is located at 58 East 79th Street in Manhattan. (get directions)