Third Place Winner – Where is God – US262

Rigby High School - Rigby, United States

First Place Winner – Striped Children – R246

”Spiru Haret” National College - Tecuci, Romania

Second Place Winner – A child’s soul arriving in Auschwitz – G238


Second Runner Up – Holocaust – L131

Mazeikiai Gabija Gymnasium - Mazeikiai, Lithuania

First Runner Up – A successful rescue during World War II – I92

Istituto Superiore B. Pinchetti di Tirano (So) - Italia, Sondrio, Lombardia, Italy

TOLI Art Exhibit in Memory of Kathy Carlisle, Beloved TOLI Teacher.

TOLI embarked on an exciting new project in 2020, and we encourage our educators from across the US and Europe to join us for our annual Art Exhibit.  The student art exhibit is in memory of Kathy Carlisle, a beloved TOLI teacher from Sacramento, California.  Kathy was a high school art teacher, photographer, and painter who was dedicated to illuminating the lessons of the Holocaust through her art and the art of her students.  Her powerful work is a testament to her artistry and love of teaching.


Please check back for information about future Art Exhibits.
