Basic Information



School Name

Horizon High School

School Address

5601 E. Greenway Rd Scottsdale AZ 85254

Role at School

AP Seminar, AP Research, Senior ELA


About Me: Please share a bit about yourself--school life, family life, interests (academic and other).

My Name is Heather O’loughlin and I live in Phoenix Arizona. I am a transplant from the Boston area and have lived in AZ for about 30 years. I am married to an Irish man who grew up in Limerick Ireland and I have a daughter who has graduated from The University of Arizona. In addition to being a mom, wife and teacher, I recently completed by Doctorate in English Education from The University of Arizona. I have been wanting to do this workshop with TOLI for many years and I am so excited to have an extended opportunity this year!
In the pastI have taught ELA at a Title 1 charter high school in downtown Phoenix. I have taught all the grades, but have spent the last 3 teaching freshmen. I really look forward to this coming year because I am teaching sophomore and seniors. In my classroom, I teach through a post colonial lens where I try to find work that students can see and connect themselves to the characters that they meet as well as share in their struggles. I start every year with the book Night. We use the themes of identity that we focus upon in the book throughout the school year.
Some things that I love to do is travel, so as you can imagine this summer is killing because I have to stay home. I like to escape the 110 degree heat. I also really enjoy cooking, football, swimming and yoga. Three of the four will keep me sane until school starts again. I am happy California is opening up so at least I can make my way their for a short visit.
Pandemic summer…I am doing a lot of writing as I prepare for my comprehensive exams and my dissertation proposal. I am also reading a lot about white privilege which is very timely. Who knew how timely they would be when I bought some books a few months ago. I am also trying to wrap my head around everything that is going on in the world. I keep thinking of how as humans will reflect and learn from 2020. How will this be documented? What will school children years to come read about what we are living through now? It’s a worm hole that makes my head spin. However I am optimistic and hopeful that there will be positive results.