Hello from NYC

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    • #31586

      As I sit here at home on a damp and rainy day in New York, I notice that the grass is a vibrant green, the lilacs are in bloom, and it occurs to me that in less than two months, the weather will be warm and we will be meeting together at Pace University. Please know that all of us at TOLI are very much looking forward to that and to welcoming you to New York.
      We reserve this space for you to introduce yourselves to one another. We invite you to give us a sense of who you are, what interests you, what matters to you, where and what you teach, and how you are thinking about our upcoming seminar. We also invite you to write back to one another and to begin the dialogue that will continue in person in June.
      And, once again, welcome.

    • #31658

      Hi, Sondra–Lilacs are one of my favorite. My lavender ones bloomed last month but my white ones are blooming now–almost done–but still so gorgeous. My roses are beyond because we have had a lot of rain this year in Cali. Look forward to finally meeting you and others in person. Thank you for the opportunity.

      Ann Miller

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