Powerful choice of genre

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    • #31766

      This book is INCREDIBLE! I have not finished reading it yet, but I definitely will finish it on my vacation that starts tomorrow. It is a compelling read. I don’t want to write in it as it is so beautiful, but I am keeping notes on sticky notes. I was a bit confused about the Poisonous Mushroom part – did her uncle copy that down? He didn’t write it, did he? I was also completely struck by the letter from Dr. Seuss to the troops. I will keep reading, and post again, but I do not think I will make the 8th deadline.

    • #31787

      I also felt like I could not write in this book, but I couldn’t jot down page numbers either, because there were none! I didn’t have post-its available where I did most of my reading, so I ended up with global impressions! Enjoy the vacation and the reading journey!

    • #31789

      Funny that you both mention how you chose to annotate. I began with sticky notes and a pen, but moved to pencil right in the book. I enjoyed the open space to share my thoughts. Many of my thoughts were also trying to follow the story – in a good curious way. Other annotations were about the journey Nora takes as she learns history at first and then delves into personal connection. I too have not finished…

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